When: January 28, 2019
Time: 10:00 am
Where: 600 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ
Cost: $25.00
RSVP: by January 21st on the ARCS website
What: We will be touring CREATE, where science, design and engineering collide! Inspired by the productivity of an inventor's workshop, the creativity of an art studio, and the experimentation of a lab, CREATE is a 6,500 square foot community hub. People of all ages can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and learn about science, technology, engineering, math and art through making, tinkering and design thinking. Using state of the art computer controlled equipment and traditional crafting tools, visitors can cut, saw, code, hammer, sew, paint, solder and more!
Join us to visit this fantastic place right in downtown Phoenix! Spouses are welcome!
Please park in the Heritage and Science Park garage, entrance on 5th Street, between Washington and Monroe. Parking tickets will be validated.
Lunch will be served after the tour.
Questions: Lynne Sonntag 602-549-7964