2019 AMC Program


Program  |  Keynote  |  Tours  |  Hotel & Travel  |  Sponsorship

The 2019 Program Schedule:

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2019

1:00 pm Registration Opens
2:00 pm Board Forum for National Board Members
3:45 pm Chapter Presidents Networking Session
6:00 pm Welcome Reception

Thursday Sept 19, 2019

7:00 am Registration Open
7:45 am Breakfast
9:00 am Welcome
9:10 am Keynote Speaker - Patrick Phillips
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Panel Discussion - Robotics (Title coming)
Panelists: Kagan Turner, Patrick Clary, ARCS Alum, Jennifer Leaf, ARCS Scholar
11:45 am ARCS Light Awards Luncheon
1:15 pm Tours (choose one)
Japanese Garden & Rose Garden (30)
Knight Center of Research. (35)
Portland Art Museum
Oregon Historical Society
5:30 pm Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) - Dr. Brian Druker

Friday Sept 20, 2019

7:00 am Registration Open
8:15 am Oregon National Primate Research Center
12:00 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Tours (choose one)
Knight Center of Research (35)
Japanese Garden & Rose Garden (30)
Wine Tour (Checking on this but will confirm by next week)
Portland Art Museum/Oregon Historical Society
Tours Pending:
Oregon State Food Innovation Center
Film: Screening Atlantis Oregon State University Movie 75 mins Looking for venue
close to Hotel for this (walking distance)
6:30 pm Closing Reception and Dinner The Nines

Saturday Set 21, 2019

8:00 am Breakfast Buffet
9:00 am National Board Meeting
10:30 am Break
10:45 am National Annual Meeting