Invite to Ignite

Membership Growth Campaign

Invite to Ignite

We INVITE all members to IGNITE their local chapters and the ARCS network by participating in our new Membership Challenge. The three chapters with the largest increases in dues-paying members from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, will win cash prizes.  

New and diverse members bring original ideas and a new perspective. They are essential for the long-term health and success of ARCS Foundation. They also ignite new friendships and spur a passion for STEM to support scientific advancement in the United States. 

1st place - $2,000

2nd place - $1,500

3rd place - $1,000




Current members are invited to actively think about membership and promote ARCS in their spheres of influence. 


The winning chapters will be determined by the highest percentage of new members brought in since June 30, 2023. Honorary members not to be counted.


Winners will be rewarded with funds that are to be used for membership recruitment, retention, or appreciation at the winning chapters’ discretion. 


2023-2024 Winners

1st place – Honolulu (34.8% increase)

2nd place - Illinois (19.4% increase)

3rd place – Los Angeles (17.3% increase)


2022-2023 Winners

1st place - Illinois (29.55% increase)

2nd place - Utah (25% increase)

3rd place - Minnesota (21.88% increase)


Questions? Contact us here.