Approved by ARCS National Board April 14, 2021
Opening Doors to Scientific Achievement
ARCS Foundation embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values critical to scientific excellence and innovation. We believe these core values are crucial to creating a welcoming environment within our organization. We open doors to talented individuals who bring different perspectives to scientific research. ARCS Foundation celebrates and supports the efforts of our partner institutions as they eliminate barriers to academic and scientific achievement.
In October of 2020, ARCS National Board was approached by the Seattle Chapter to address issues of diversity and inequity as a result of disruptions in communities around the United States. Among others, the Science and Engineering Advisory Council of ARCS National and the Council on Competitiveness, have pointed out demographic disparities apparent in STEM graduate scientists and the threat to future scientific innovation.
At the January 2021 meeting, upon the recommendation of the National University Relations Committee, the National Board approved the establishment of a task force to develop an ARCS National statement that supports diversity, equity, and inclusion within our mission of Advancing Science in America. ARCS National Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion statement was approved by the National Board on April 14, 2021.
In June 2021, the National Board established a Task Force to develop an Action Plan. This DEI Action Plan Task Force is co-chaired by Barb Goergen, Minnesota Chapter, and Beth Wainwright, Pittsburgh Chapter.
• Form a Planning Group to act as the steering group
• Form Five Working Groups that mirror the structure of the DEI statement
• Gather information from various stakeholders, evaluate feedback, and brainstorm solutions
• At the June 2022 ARCS National Board meeting, deliver an Action Plan which includes recommendations for possible action and/or initiatives to support and implement ARCS National DEI Statement
1. ARCS Foundation embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values critical to scientific excellence and innovation.
Values: Linda Burke, Pittsburgh Chapter
2. We believe these core values are crucial to creating a welcoming environment within our organization.
Internal/Members: Julie Branford, Oregon Chapter
3. We open doors to talented individuals who bring different perspectives to scientific research.
Internal/Scholars: Jo Whitehouse, Northern California Chapter
4. ARCS Foundation celebrates and supports the efforts of our partner institutions as they eliminate barriers to academic and scientific achievement.
External/Universities: Danielle Robinson, Metro Washington Chapter
5. ARCS Foundation celebrates and supports the efforts of our partner institutions as they eliminate barriers to academic and scientific achievement.
External/Partners and Funders: Sherry Lundeen, Atlanta Chapter
Members of the Working Groups include ARCS chapter members, current scholars, scholar alums, university personnel, funders, partner organizations and others. Currently, 45 individuals are actively working to develop the Action Plan.
Questions, comments, feedback…
We would love to hear from you.
• Do you have comments and want to talk to someone? • Would you like more information? • Are you interested in becoming part of this initiative? Please contact us at: deicochairs@arcsfoundation.org