The National Library contains documents, forms and images on a variety of topics. The National Library serves as a repository for historical information as well as a source of current documents about the national organization. Access to the National Library is through the "My Portal" page of the member secure website using the "Document Library" menu item in the left-hand menu.
These Quick Links are just a few of the important documents you may be looking for. Please contact national, if you would like to see additonal Quick Links.
Style Guide The ARCS Foundation Visual Style Guide contains everything you need to know about using the ARCS branding, logo, color palette, fonts, etc.
Compliance Calendar Each year ARCS Chapters are required to submit information to the national organization. The 2020-21 National Compliance Calendar outlines the specific requirements and deadlines for submitting summary and detailed information about membership, scholars and awards. This document is prepared for Chapter Presidents but is useful for all members involved in chapter data management and marketing.
National Committee List The 2020-2021 NB Committees List contains a list of all National committees, the chairman and the members of each.