National Leadership

2022-23 Board of Directors and Officers of ARCS Foundation, Inc.

(Effective July 1, 2022 and as elected by the National Board on June 10, 2022 and September 17, 2022)

*National Officers

President* Caron Ogg Oregon
President Elect* Beth Wainwright Pittsburgh
Vice President for Finance* Christine Hawes Phoenix
Vice President for Operations* Patty Sparrell Metro Washington
Co-Vice President for Philanthropy* Sarah Vandenplas Illinois
Co-Vice President for Philanthropy* Anna Maria Matteucci Phoenix
Secretary* Nancy Chambers Atlanta
Treasurer* Linda Thier  Pittsburgh
Co-Chair, for Chapter Engagement Sara Jean Burke Atlanta
Co-Chair, Chapter Engagement Jill Bray Phoenix
Chair, Communications and Marketing Aletha Anderson Oregon
Chair, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Linda Burke Pittsburgh
Chair, Nominating (Until Fall 2023) Joan Foley Oregon
Co-Chair, University Relations Chris Simpson Brent  Northern California
Co-Chair University Relations Joan Foley Oregon
Chair, Council of Advisors* Yolanda Walther-Meade  Los Angeles/San Diego
Immediate Past Chair, Council of Presidents* Ana Chu Orange County
Chair, Council of Presidents* Cheryl Mae Craft Los Angeles/Orange County
Council of Presidents' Representative A Sarah Dunnam Seattle
Council of Presidents' Representative B Holly Heaton San Diego
Council of Presidents' Representative C Julie Branford Oregon
Council of Presidents' Representative D Chandra Jain Orange County
Council of Presidents' Representative E Judy Benham Minnesota
Parliamentarian* (non-voting) Jane Dolinger Atlanta
Chair, Audit Committee Lynne Brickner  Los Angeles/Utah
Audit Committee Christy Burton Phoenix
Audit Committee Margaret McGann Seattle
National Endowment Fund Committee Anna Maria Matteucci Phoenix
National Endowment Fund Committee Amy Rudolf Seattle
National Endowment Fund Committee Sally McDaniel Atlanta

2022-23 ARCS Foundation Council of Advisors

Non-voting except for those who are Directors of National Board
*Voting National Board Members

Roulhac Austin, Northern California Andi Purple, Metro Washington
Donna Casey, Northern California Amy Rudolf*, Seattle
Linda Celesia, Illinois Dawn Carson Senger, Phoenix
Sue Harter, Pittsburgh Susan Smith, Oregon
Jackie Henson, Metro Washington Lynne Sonntag, Phoenix    
Jean Josephson, Oregon Nancy Spetzler, Phoenix
Sherry Lundeen, Atlanta Donna Spivey, Illinios
Sandra Matteucci, Phoenix Kathy Testoni, Pittsburgh
Sally McDaniel*, Atlanta Andrea Thoreson, Seattle
Susan McGonigle, Atlanta Yolanda Walther-Meade, Los Angeles/San Diego
Judith Miller, Los Angeles Janie Wilson, Atlanta
Penny Papadopoulos, Phoenix  

2022-2023 Council of Presidents

Sara Jean Burke - Atlanta
Susan Howard - Colorado
Cheryl Ernst/Jacquie Maly - Honolulu
Sandra Mangurian - Illinios
Diane Deshong - Los Angeles
Elli Nesbitt/Claudia Benack - Metro Washington
Judy Benham/Barb Goergen - Minnesota
Ellie Bingham/Katy Hope - Northern California
Stephanie Beckman - Orange County
Elizabeth Bell - Oregon
Judy LeMarr - Phoenix
Linda Thier/Anne Crawford - Pittsburgh
Kathe Albrecht - San Diego
Margaret McGann - Seattle
Sue Dintelman - Utah