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ARCS Expands Funding Opportunities at Three Universities

Posted on Friday, June 15, 2018

ARCS Foundation is pleased to announce that it has added four approved programs at three of its existing academic partner universities that are now eligible for funding through ARCS Scholar Awards. ARCS Foundation’s strategy to impact scientific advancement by supporting STEM candidates requires an effective partnership with universities across the nation whose science, technology, enginering and mathematics programs are of the highest quality and are recognized as leaders in their respective disciplines. The continuous evaluation and addition of new qualifying programs is a cornerstone of ARCS mission.

“The outstanding contributions of ARCS chapters supports our mission to fund top-rated departments and innovative programs within ARCS approved universities,” said Linda Celesia, ARCS National Chair of University Relations. “ARCS Foundation’s support of new programs is an investment in the future of our country. It enables top scholars to realize their potential and to contribute to future advances in science, technology,egineering, and math.”

The new programs approved for ARCS Foundation funding are:

Atlanta Chapter

Emory University

Department of Environmental Health Sciences

Doctoral Program. Laney Graduate School

The Environmental Health Sciences program provides students with transdisciplinary training to better understand the impact of the environment on human health and disease. This program strives to produce a unique cadre of future leaders in the field of environmental health sciences who have expertise in both laboratory– and population-based research.


Metro Washington Chapter

Johns Hopkins University

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Bloomberg School of Public Health

This department conducts research to discover and characterize the fundamental biological processes relevant to health and disease. The research interests have evolved over the past quarter century to include cellular stress responses, DNA replication and repair pathways (genome integrity), cancer, aging, protein homeostasis, and reproductive biology.


Johns Hopkins University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Whiting School of Engineering

The department conducts cutting edge research, addressing topics such as devices to aid the disabled, smart surgical tools, neural computation, robotics, and medical imaging. Research activities include:

  • Microsystems and Computer Engineering
  • Acoustics, Language and Speech Processing
  • Photonics, Biophotonics and Opto-Electronics
  • Signal Processing and Imaging Science and Technology
  • Networks, Controls and Systems


Northern California Chapter

University of California, Davis

Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry

Graduate Group

The oldest interdepartmental graduate group at UC Davis is renowned for its multidisciplinary approach to research in applied chemistry. In addition to the many research opportunities available, students in the group can also take advantage of an enormous breadth of classes in basic and applied chemistry and in related areas.