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Association of Fundraising Professionals Honors ARCS Foundation Oregon

Posted on Thursday, July 7, 2016

ARCS Foundation Chapter recognized for its leading role in advancing access to funding for region's top young scientists

Artesia, CA, July 11, 2016 - ARCS® Foundation (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc.) is pleased to announce that The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) of Oregon & Southwest Washington honored ARCS Foundation Oregon (previously named ARCS Foundation Portland) as its 2015 Philanthropy Award Honoree at AFP’s Philanthropy Day luncheon at the Portland Hilton last year on November 9, 2015. AFP presented awards to spotlight volunteers, corporations, nonprofits, and individuals providing philanthropic leadership in Oregon and Southwest Washington. 

AFP’s Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation Award recognizes a private or community foundation or grant-making organization that supports innovative approaches to philanthropy, inspiring and motivating nonprofits and grant makers alike.

Founded in 2004, ARCS Foundation Oregon has awarded more than $2 million in direct financial support to young scientists completing advanced degrees at leading universities in the region. Recipients of the Oregon chapter scholar awards are enrolled in top rated STEM programs at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Oregon State University, and Oregon University.

ARCS Foundation Oregon is one of sixteen ARCS chapters across the United States. Since its founding in 1958, ARCS Foundation chapters have provided cash awards to the most promising young U.S. scientists to ensure that they may successfully complete advanced degrees in STEM fields. The vast majority of ARCS Scholar Award recipients are pursuing degrees at the doctoral level. ARCS Foundation awards fill an essential and under-served need in ensuring that young scientists may have the opportunity to pursue important scientific discoveries.

Carol Van Natta, past president, AFP Oregon and Southwest Washington announced the decision, saying,

“The Oregon/SW Washington Chapter of AFP is delighted to recognize ARCS Foundation Oregon for its rapid development as a philanthropic force in Oregon. ARCS volunteers are deeply committed to the cause of advancing science and technology. Their high-achieving award recipients will change our world for the better.  AFP salutes ARCS for the time, effort, and financial support its members provide on behalf of graduate students at OHSU, Oregon State University, and the University of Oregon.” 

Joan Foley, ARCS Oregon president, accepted the award from Dr. Joe Robertson, president of OHSU, which was the first university to receive ARCS Scholar Awards twelve years ago; ARCS Oregon has since funded 107 total scholar awards at OHSU and Oregon State University. Most recently, the list of Oregon universities has been expanded to include the University of Oregon, which began to receive ARCS funding last year.

Addressing an audience of more than 500 including members of ARCS Foundation Oregon, Foley spoke of the need to encourage Ph.D. candidates in science, engineering, and medical research.

“The U.S. awards only four percent of global engineering degrees compared with 34 percent in China.  Our workforce is aging. Half of our science-based research workforce is over the age of 40, and we do not have enough new scholars to take their place,” she said.

ARCS Foundation National President Lynne Brickner congratulated Foley and the members of the Oregon chapter.

“The National Board is thrilled and grateful for the honor bestowed upon ARCS Foundation Oregon whose members deserve wonderful accolade for doing so much over such a short time. Supporting science scholars is essential to our nation’s leadership in discovery and innovation. The women of the Oregon chapter have not only made a strong and meaningful difference to students pursuing advanced degrees in STEM fields, they have also inspired others to embrace the ARCS Foundation cause of Advancing Science in America.”

In being named “Outstanding Philanthropic Foundation” for 2015, ARCS Foundation Oregon joins a distinguished list of past honorees, including Ann & Bill Swindells Charitable Trust, Northwest Health Foundation, Pendleton Foundation Trust, The Snowman Foundation, Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust, The James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation, Community Foundation for Southwest Washington, Leo Adler Foundation, Ray Hickey Foundation, Juan Young TrustMaybelle Clark Macdonald Fund, Don & Willie Tykeson Foundation, Spirit Mountain Community Fund, Paul G. Allen Foundations, Samuel S. Johnson Foundation, Carpenter Foundation, Chiles Foundation, The Ford Family Foundation, The Collins Foundation, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, Oregon Community Foundation, and Meyer Memorial Trust.  

About ARCS Foundation

ARCS Foundation is a national nonprofit volunteer women’s organization that promotes American competitiveness by supporting talented U.S. citizens working to complete degrees in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and health disciplines at the nation's leading research colleges and universities. Since 1958, the organization has awarded more than $100 million to more than 10,000 students. ARCS Scholars have produced thousands of research publications and patents, secured billions in grant funding, started science related companies, and played a significant role in teaching and mentoring young people in the STEM pipeline. More at

About ARCS Foundation Oregon

ARCS Foundation Oregon, one of 16 ARCS Foundation chapters in the U.S., provides flexible three-year cash awards to exceptional Ph.D. candidates in the fields of science, medicine, and technology at Oregon’s top ranked research institutions: Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon State University and University of Oregon. ARCS Foundation Oregon, originally incorporated in 2004 as ARCS Foundation Portland, has awarded more than 175 scholar awards totaling over $2.8 million. More at