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The Portal Is Open ... Come On In!

Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

An exciting new on-line learning tool is now up and running on the ARCS Foundation website.  PATS (Presidents’ Advanced Training System) Learning Portal will give ARCS Foundation leaders and members tools and techniques to help them do their jobs.  A gateway to a variety of informative resources, PATS will also function as a forum where Chapters can share materials with each other in 6 priority areas: 1.) Development, 2.) Membership, 3.) Marketing/Communications, 4.) Financial Management, 5.) Role of the President in Leadership and Management, and 6.) Governance.   Resources are currently available in the Development area with other subjects coming on-line as they are completed. 

Immediate Past National President and PATS Chair Jeanne Berdik describes the Learning Portal as an advanced level of support that the National Board is now able to provide to the Chapters.  She and the PATS Committee hope that the PATS Learning Portal will develop into a major learning tool for all ARCS Foundation members.  In addition to Jeanne, the PATS Committee has consisted of Judy Benham (Minnesota), Susan Lampe (Honolulu) and Ronnie Martin (Atlanta and member of the National Board.)  Lynn Dillon (Metro Washington) and Leslie Workman (Portland) have recently joined the group to begin work on the Membership topic.

PATS Learning Portal is dedicated to the memory of Pat Beckman, founder of the Orange County Chapter and long-time friend of ARCS Foundation National and our Chapters.  PATS has been funded to date totally by member donations as a special project in memory of Pat. If you like what you see and wish to support the on-going costs of the Learning Portal’s development, you may do so by clicking on To Donate at the bottom of any page, designating your contribution as 100% to National Operations and entering “PATS” in the Dedication line. You may also send a check made payable to ARCS Foundation, Inc., with PATS Learning Portal in the memo line, to:

ARCS Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 240, Artesia, CA 90702-0240.

Members can access the Learning Portal by going to the ARCS Foundation website at, signing in to your Chapter site, and clicking on PATS Learning Portal in the horizontal blue menu. 

Please note that clicking on links within the portal will open new tabs in your browser, thereby allowing you to have numerous documents open at once. To return to the portal, click on the appropriate browser tab.

Clicking on the tan MENU icon to the right of each page title will allow you to navigate within the portal. If you have any problems signing in, please contact your Chapter Data Admin or Ronnie Martin (

The PATS Committee encourages member comments and suggestions for additional resources.  Please send any suggestions you have to Jeanne Berdik at or simply click on the “Suggest a Resource” or “Feedback/Comments” links at the bottom of each page of the Learning Portal.