PATS Learning Portal

PATS Learning Portal

PATS (Presidents’ Advanced Training Sessions) Learning Portal is dedicated to the memory of G. Patricia Beckman (1933-2011). Pat was the founder of the Orange County Chapter and a long-time friend of ARCS® Foundation.  She was a particularly strong advocate for the important leadership role of Chapter Presidents at both the local and national levels.

Welcome and Introduction

The PATS Learning Portal is an online training tool for Chapter Presidents and other Chapter and national leaders. It provides a sustainable curriculum in non-profit leadership and management both generally and specific to ARCS Foundation. Use the links in the dropdown menu to the right to access broad background information on a topic as well as specific tools for accomplishing tasks or fulfilling roles. Menu icons on each page allow you to move easily between topics.

We continue to add and update resources to enrich the Portal's offerings. Send an email to the address listed at the bottom of any page to recommend a website or document. All the topics and sub-topics within the Portal are listed for your convenience in the "Table Of Contents" in the right hand menu. The newest additions to the site, including video recordings of PATS webinars, are available by clicking on "What's New at PATS" in the menu.

Please also note that the materials contained in PATS Learning Portal are presented as resources or templates/examples of approaches to particular tasks.  Although every effort will be made to ensure that material included as ARCS Foundation “Boilerplate Material” is factually current, we cannot attest to the accuracy of ARCS Foundation-related facts or the brand compliance of other submissions.  We encourage you to check all ARCS Foundation facts and brand compliance before utilizing portions of any document.

We hope you enjoy your Learning Portal experience!


Please email any suggested resources, feedback or comments to:


You may contribute to the ongoing support of PATS Learning Portal, by clicking here, designating your gift “For ARCS National Operations to build capacity and support chapters” and specifying that your donation is “for the special purpose of supporting the direct costs of PATS Learning Portal” in the “Send us a message” dialogue box.