ARCS National supports ARCS Chapters with website infrastructure that includes public facing pages for National and each chapter and a private contact management system that includes event management, emailing, contact tracking, etc. This portal provides information and links for using and maintaining the website.
The ARCS website consists of two separate software systems, one for managing content (Drupal) and one for managing contact information (CiviCRM). The website also provides a file system for storing information that can be accessed by members (Document Library). The ARCS website is a "multi-site" implementation which means that we have one overall implementation but each chapter (including National) has their own individual site. The National site public facing pages can be reached using the URL "". Each chapter has their own designation and own landing page <chapter>, e.g. This allows each chapter to maintain their own identity, their own contact databases, manage their own events, etc. but still allow for central support and for required national reporting across all chapters.
The website pages accessible using "" or "<chapter> are public pages. Anyone on the internet can access these pages and they are important for marketing our organization and providing information for our members, scholars and donors. At the top of each page is a "Log In" link used to access the secure or private side of our website. Only members and scholars who have been provided log-in credentials have access to the secure pages of the ARCS website. In the secure part of the ARCS website members have access to their own contact information for updating, to built in reports of contact information, private chapter records, etc. Scholars logged into the secure site can update their contact information and see built in reports of other scholar information.
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