Clone of 2021-22 Chapter Challenge


2021-22 ARCS Chapter Challenge

Support your favorite ARCS Chapter with a donation to ARCS National and help it win a $2,500 Chapter Challenge Scholar Grant


ARCS Foundation National will award a $2,500 SCHOLAR AWARD PARTICIPATION GRANT and a $2,500 SCHOLAR AWARD CHAMPION GRANT to the chapter with the highest percentage of donors and the most total dollar value of contributions to ARCS National. The challenge will run from July 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022. 

Winners will be announced June 2022 and grant funds will be distributed before June 30, 2022.   

How does a donation to ARCS National support ARCS Foundation regional chapters? When you support ARCS National Operations or Endowment, your donation will help ensure that ARCS Foundation will be sustained in the years to come. Your donation to ARCS National helps provide chapters with communication support, member training and webinars, national visibility of ARCS Scholars and ARCS Scholar Alumni, and so much more. Learn more about how ARCS National donations are used here.

How to support your chapter in the Chapter Challenge

  • Specify that you wish to participate in the Challenge Contest by completing the Chapter Challenge Contest information on the ARCS Donation Page
  • Select the chapter that you wish to donate in honor of (only one chapter for each gift may be chosen).
  • Make a gift to ARCS National Operations or Endowment in the amount of $50 or more.

How can my chapter win the Participation Challenge?

  • The winning chapter will be determined by the number of donors who contribute at least $50 to ARCS National divided by the total number of chapter members.  The highest percent wins. 
  • Each unique donor is counted one time regardless of the number of times they donate.
  • Anyone may participate and donate on behalf of a chapter – Members, Spouses, Scholars, Friends. Participation above 100% is allowed and encouraged.
  • Members who hold membership in more than one chapter must designate which chapter to receive credit for their contribution. They may be counted for each chapter for which they make at least one donation. 

How can my chapter win the Champion Challenge?

  • The winning chapter will be determined by the total dollar amount of donations made to ARCS National by participants who contribute at least $50 on behalf of the chapter
  • Donors may give multiple times and the total dollar value of their donations will be counted.   
  • Anyone may participate and donate on behalf of a chapter – Members, Spouses, Scholars, Friends.
  • Members who hold membership in more than one chapter must designate which chapter to receive credit for their contribution.  If they wish to support more than one chapter in the challenge, two or more separate donations must be made.  

I'm ready to help! Where can I donate?



For information on how to donate online, click here

For information on how to donate by check, click here

For information on how to donate securities, click here.


How to support your chapter in the Challenge

  • Specify that you wish to participate in the Challenge Contest by completing the Chapter Challenge Contest information on the ARCS Donation Page
  • Select the chapter that you wish to donate in honor of (only one chapter for each gift may be chosen).
  • Make a gift to ARCS National Operations or Endowment in the amount of $50 or more.


How can my chapter win the Participation Challenge?

  • The winning chapter will be determined by the number of donors who contribute at least $50 to ARCS National divided by the total number of chapter members.  The highest percent wins. 
  • Each unique donor is counted one time regardless of the number of times they donate.
  • Anyone may participate and donate on behalf of a chapter – Members, Spouses, Scholars, Friends.  Participation above 100% is allowed and encouraged.
  • Members who hold membership in more than one chapter must designate which chapter to receive credit for their contribution.  They may be counted for each chapter for which they make at least one donation. 


How can my chapter win the Champion Challenge?

  • The winning chapter will be determined by the total dollar amount of donations made to ARCS National by participants who contribute at least $50 on behalf of the chapter
  • Donors may give multiple times and the total dollar value of their donations will be counted.   
  • Anyone may participate and donate on behalf of a chapter – Members, Spouses, Scholars, Friends.
  • Members who hold membership in more than one chapter must designate which chapter to receive credit for their contribution.  If they wish to support more than one chapter in the challenge, two or more separate donations must be made.  

I'm ready to help! Where can I donate?

  • For information on how to donate online, click here
  • For information on how to donate by check, click here
  • For information on how to donate securities, click here.