ARCS National Board Meeting OLD

ARCS National Board Meeting January 21, 2022


Electronic Video Screen Conference
Saturday, January 22, 2022
2:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM CT, 12:00 PM MT, 11:00 AM PT, 9:00 AM Hawaii Time
Board Meeting Agenda and Schedule
(Draft 1/11/22)


I.    Call to Order Caron Ogg, President
II.    Welcome

Nancy Chambers, Secretary & Penny Papadopoulos, Parliamentarian

III.    Actions for NB Approval:


A. Waiver of Requirement of In Person Attendance and Authorization for Attendance by Zoom

Caron Ogg, President

B. Approval of Minutes from September 11, 2021                    

Nancy Chambers, Secretary
C. Electiion of Nancy Spetzler as a director effective October 2, 2021 Caron Ogg, President

D. Approval of 2020-2021 Financial Statements 

Margaret McGann, Chair, Audit Committee

E. Approval of Amended 2021-2022 Operating Budget

Christine Hawes, VP for Finance

 F. Approval of Amendment to the Standing Rules, Appendix B (Charters of the Standing Committees), Appendix D (Finance Policy), Appendix E-1 (Duties and Responsibilities of Officers) and Appendix E-2 (Duties and Responsibilities of Standing Committee Chairs)   Julie Branford, Chair, Governance Committee 

G. Approval of Extension Term of ARCS Foundation, Inc. Strategic Plan 2017-2022

Sally McDaniel, Chair, Long Range Planning
H. Approval of University of California, Merced as a Recipient Institution  Joan Foley & Chris Simpson Brent, Co-Chairs, University Relations Committee

I. Approval of Guidelines for Submission and EC Approval of Chapter DEI statements 

Caron Ogg, President
IV.   Report of Executive Committee Actions since September 11, 2021     Caron Ogg, President
V.    Hall of Fame Announcement Nancy Chambers, HoF Committee
VI.   Committee and Council Reports  Chairs
  • VP Finace
Christine Hawes
  • VP Operations
Patty Sparrell
  • VP Philanthropy
Andrea Thores
  • Chair, Council of Advisors
Jane Dolinger
  • Chair, Audit
Margaret McGann
  • Chair, Chapter Engagement
Sara Jean Burke
  • Chair, Communications & Marketing
Aletha Anderson
  • Co-Chairs, Collaboration Networks
Chris Simpson Brent & Barb Goergen
  • Chair, Nominating
Nancy Spetzler
  • Co-Chairs, University Relations
Chris Simpson Brent & Joan Foley
  • Chair, Council of Presidents

Ana Chu

  • DEI Action Plan Task Force
Barb Goergen & Beth Wainwright
VII.    New Business Caron Ogg, President
VIII.   Adjournment  


Next Regular National Board Meeting: June 11, 2022, Salt Lake City, Utah