Meeting Start time: 1:00 PM ET, 12:00 PM CT, 11:00 AM MDT, 10:00 AM MST/PT, 7:00 AM HT
National Board Meeting Agenda
1. Agenda NB Meeting October 14, 2023
I. Call to Order | Caron Ogg, President
II. Roll Call of Directors Present in Person and Confirmation of Quorum | Nancy Chambers, Secretary & Jane Dolinger, Parliamentarian
III. Action for NB Approval
IV. Roll Call of Directors Present via Zoom and Confirmation of Quorum | Jane Dolinger, Parliamentarian & Nancy Chambers, Secretary
V. Further Actions for NB Approval
2. Resolutions for NB Approval
A. Approval of Minutes from January 21, 2023 National Board Meeting | Nancy Chambers, Secretary
B. Approval of Number, Dates, and Locations of 2023-2024 Regular Meetings of the National Board | Caron Ogg, President
C. Approval of Recommendation from Governance (effective July 1, 2023) | Julie Branford, Chair, Governance Committee
D. Approval of Contract through June 30, 2024, with Association Services Group LLC for Management Services | Patty Sparrell, VP Operations
11. ASG Contract Amendment Presentation
12. ASG Contract Amendment File
E. Approval of Recommendations from Finance Committee | Christine Hawes, VP for Finance
F. Election of 2023-2024 Directors, Officers, Advisors, and Committee Members (term begins July 1, 2023) | Joan Foley, Chair, Nominating Committee & Jane Dolinger, Parliamentarian
14. 2023-2024 National Board Slate
G. Approval of Recommendations from the University Relations Committee | Joan Foley & Chris Simpson Brent, Co-chairs, University Relations Committee
H. Approval of Extension of the U.S. Permanent Resident Task Force | Joan Foley & Chris Simpson Brent, Co-chairs, U.S. Permanent Resident Task Force
I. Approval of 2022-2023 Long Range Strategic Plan | Sally, Susan & Emma
21. ARCS Strategic Action Plan and ARCS Strategic Plan Report and Background
VI. Report of Executive Committee Actions since January 21, 2023, and Ratification of 2022-2023 Executive Committee Actions | Caron Ogg, President
22. A. 2022-2023 Executive Committee Actions Presentation
23. B. Report of Executive Committee Actions
VII. Committee and Council Reports | Chairs
VIII. 2022-2023 Accomplishments
IX. ARCS Luminary Award | Caron Ogg, President
X. New Business
XI. Installation of 2022-2023 Directors, Officers, Advisors, and Committee Members (term begins July 1, 2023) | Jane Dolinger, Parliamentarian
XII. Looking Ahead
XIII. Adjournment
Next Regular National Board Meeting: October 14, 2023 via Zoom