Hall of Fame Media Kit

At the National Board Meeting in Tempe, Arizona, ARCS® Foundation announced that Dr. Jessica Meir, NASA Astronaut and researcher, has been selected for membership into the respected ARCS Alumni Hall of Fame. At age 42, Meir is the youngest inductee to date. Meir is a member of NASA’s Expeditions 61 and 62. Since her arrival at the International Space Station (ISS) in September 2019, Meir has been performing cutting-edge research that will enable long-duration human space missions.

Please use the resources below for more information. 

Meir Named Hall of Fame Inductee Press Release

Meir Photo - Space Suit

Meir Photo - NASA Headshot

ARCS Foundation Fact Sheet

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2019 ARCS Annual Report

For more information,  contact Rebekah Lee at rlee@asginfo.net or by emailing engage@arcsfoundation.org.