Name change reflects statewide expansion of both program support and chapter membership
Portland Oregon, July 6, 2016. Achievement Rewards for College Scientists, Inc. Portland Chapter, (ARCS Foundation Portland) announced that it will now be known as Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc., Oregon Chapter (ARCS Foundation Oregon). The... Read more
At its meeting on June 17 in Minneapolis, the National Board of ARCS Foundation approved a new five-year strategic plan (2017-22) with the following goals:
Increase our impact on scholars, Retain and attract community leaders to our membership, and Build our capacity for success and financial sustainability.
The awardees‘ accomplishments have ranged from orchestrating Metropolitan Washington’s participation in the USA Science and Engineering Festival to creating the first ARCS Northern California’s Scholar Symposium, bringing scholars, members and community friends together. Most have served in vital leadership positions on their boards; established scholar awards and supported interactions among... Read more
Accomplishments of leading U.S. scientists illustrate the key role of early-stage ARCS funding in ensuring a robust STEM pipeline
Artesia California, June 13, 2016 - ARCS Foundation (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc.), announced two new inductees into the ARCS Alumni Hall of Fame:
Benjamin “B.J.” Fulton, ARCS Foundation Honolulu Chapter’s 2016 Scholar of the Year, is surveying 51 nearby Sun-like stars in a search for planets smaller than Neptune using Lick Observatory’s Automated Planet Finder (APF) Telescope in California, which he operates remotely from the University of Hawai‘i’s (UH) Institute for Astronomy.... Read more
Albert G. Greenberg’s (Computer Science (Ph.D.), University of Washington, 1983, Seattle Chapter) February 2016 election to the National Academy of Engineering—one of engineering’s highest awards—underscores the global importance of his groundbreaking contributions to computer science. Director of Azure Networking (Microsoft Corp.) and previously with Bell Labs and AT&T Labs... Read more
Claire Robertson (Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine; 2013 Orange County ARCS Scholar) was one of five scientists awarded the prestigious L’Oreal USA “2015 For Women in Science Fellowship.” As noted in the L’Oreal press release announcing the award, the fellowship “honors female scientists at critical stages of their career with... Read more
“How do you fit a model to data it has never seen before?” asks Northern California Chapter ARCS Scholar Saahil Shenoy. Model accuracy is key to predicting near future events of climate, power use, and economics, thereby directing major decisions from disaster preparedness to interest rates. Supported by his ARCS Award,... Read more
Dr. Gary F. Moore (2008-09 Phoenix Scholar) is now an Assistant Professorat Arizona State University following ground-breaking work in solar energy. As a Principal Investigator at Berkeley Lab, he and his team developed a modular one-step hydrogen generator that moved the United States one step closer to generating sustainable fuels via artificial... Read more