Foundation’s highest honor for volunteer work given annually to a member from each chapter
Sixteen members of ARCS® Foundation were recently honored for their work on behalf of the mission of promoting education in science, engineering, and medical research at an awards ceremony in Denver.
Long-time ARCS member outlines strategic goals for the coming year and beyond
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 12, 2017 --Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc. (ARCS® Foundation) is pleased to announce that Andrea “Andi” Purple of Hilton Head Island, S.C., has assumed the Presidency of the organization’s National Board... Read more
Andi graduated from American University, Washington, D.C., with a BSBA, majoring in Personnel Administration. She worked in administrative/management human resources positions with The Bendix Corporation. Her most recent work experience was as Vice President, Human Resources for the Aerospace Sector of Bendix (which later merged into Allied-Signal, Inc.) where she... Read more
In honor of the Atlanta Chapter's Silver Anniversary, the chapter funded an additional scholar at each of our partner institutions. For the concluding event of this very special year, these four scholars were the speakers at our Annual Meeting in May held at the Piedmont Driving Club.
The Metropolitan Washington Chapter of ARCS Foundation, Inc. (ARCS/MWC) will be hosting its 48th annual Scholar Awards Reception on the evening of Thursday, October 12, 2017. ARCS/MWC is honored to welcome John Mather, PhD as the 2017 Keynote Speaker. The proceedings will be held... Read more
2017 Eagle Award Presented to Local Leaders for STEM Education Championship
On April 25, 2017 the ARCS Metropolitan Washington Chapter (MWC) presented the Eagle Award to two distinguished leaders from the Metropolitan Washington region.
Dr. Marcia McNutt, President of the National Academy of Sciences, was recognized for her achievements spanning... Read more
Erika Raven (ARCS Foundation Metro Washington Chapter (MWC); Ph.D. candidate, Georgetown Interdisciplinary Program for Neuroscience) was awarded the 2017 United Kingdom (UK) Marshall Sherfield Postdoctoral Fellowship for Brain Iron Deficiency Research for postdoctoral work in the UK. One goal of the prestigious award is to build long-term U.S.-UK scientific... Read more
Dr. Dawn Cornelison (1995-98 Los Angeles Chapter Scholar; Ph.D., Caltech 1998) received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, as announced by the White House on January 9, 2017. One source notes, “The award is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science... Read more
ARCS Foundation has a flower named for it! In 1988, University of Hawai‘i (UH) at Manoa plant breeder and genetic researcher Dr. Haruyuki Kamemoto created two lavender anthuriums through a complex cross, anointing the varieties ‘ARCS’ and ‘ARCS Hawai‘i’ to recognize our organization’s support of ARCS Scholars in the UH... Read more
The Atlanta Chapter of ARCS Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Founded in 1992 by a small group of women civic leaders who funded three scholars, the chapter has grown to over 150 members who awarded $370,000 to 50 scholars for the 2017-18 academic year, including four 25th Anniversary Scholars.