Highest honor for volunteer work given annually to a member from each ARCS Foundation chapter
LaGrange, Georgia (July 2, 2020) — ARCS® Foundation is pleased to announce that it is honoring 15 ARCS volunteers for their work in promoting science, engineering, and medical research. The annual ARCS Light Award is... Read more
Melanie MacMullan is a third-year ARCS Scholar pursuing her PhD in Chemical Engineering at University of Southern California (USC) Viterbi School of Engineering. Her research focuses on developing a better understanding of the immune system by studying protein interactions in immune cells. In a unique arrangement with USC, Melanie has... Read more
Alexandra (Sasha) Perebikovsky is an ARCS Scholar Alumna who received her PhD in Chemical and Materials Physics at University of California, Irvine in May 2020. She and two other colleagues have developed a low-cost ventilator that can be produced for $100 or less—that’s tens of thousands of dollars less than... Read more
Sanjay Srivatsan is a fourth-year ARCS Scholar in the MD/PhD Genome Sciences graduate program atUniversity of Washington. His PhD research work has focused primarily on developing new sequencing technologies to uncover how individual cells behave in both development and disease.... Read more
During ARCS January 2020 National Board Meeting in Tempe, Arizona, the National University Relations Committee approved adding this cutting-edge graduate program to... Read more
ARCS Scholar Alexandra (“Alex”) McInturf has shared the same water with many large carnivorous shark species. A PhD candidate in Animal Behavior at University of California Davis, Alex wants to help reverse the cultural image of sharks as “mindless man-eaters” and instead inspire curiosity about their diverse roles in... Read more
The Minnesota Chapter of ARCS is pleased to present a free online webinar on the global perception of science and the important need for science advocacy on Monday, May 4 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm CDT.
ARCS Scholar Alumni—and husband and wife—Julia Maxson, PhD, and Ted Braun, MD/PhD, identified how two gene mutations act in sequence, like a one-two punch, to trigger acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
AML is the most common blood cancer in adults and one of the most difficult to treat because of the... Read more