LAGRANGE, Georgia, November 22, 2019 – Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Foundation, Inc. (ARCS® Foundation) San Diego is pleased to announce that Holly Heaton of Del Mar, California, has assumed the presidency of the chapter as of July 1, 2019.
Heaton became a member of the San Diego chapter in... Read more
Oregon State University (OSU) President Ed Ray has created a permanent endowment to fund an ARCS scholar at OSU in memory of his wife, Beth, a former ARCS member. President Ray’s gift of $100,000 to create the endowment was announced on October 22, 2019, at the annual ARCS Oregon luncheon... Read more
The holiday season brings many beloved traditions. From gift shopping to family gatherings, the season is filled with hustle and bustle. This was the experience of two ARCS Atlanta members, Susie Deyo and Debbie Liss, until their holiday season took on new meaning in 2009.
After watching television news coverage... Read more
ARCS Foundation celebrates more than $115 million in awards to STEM scholars.
LaGrange, GA. December 9, 2019 - Supporting promising young scholars in basic research early in their careers, ARCS Foundation Scholar Awards are nationally recognized for their impact on ensuring the strength of the STEM pipeline, which is fundamental to... Read more
Since 1958, ARCS Foundation has provided funding for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research to more than 10,500 men and women at top-ranked colleges and universities throughout the nation.
National Day of Giving
On December 3, 2019, ARCS will again participate in #GivingTuesday, marking the fifth year that... Read more
One of the biggest crises facing American collegiate and graduate scientists is the steady decline of federal support for basic research. As student debt becomes larger each year, these young scientists begin to wonder if the work they are doing is important enough to continue in school. But... Read more
The brain is not only unique; it is also mysterious. Will there ever come a time when all the inner workings of the brain are revealed, and we can truly unravel its mysteries? ARCS scholar Sydney Boutros is moving us closer to that day.
LaGrange GA – October 21, 2019—ARCS Scholar Alumna Jessica Meir spent her workday on Friday, October 18, floating in space. Tasked with repairing a major power source on the International Space Station (ISS), Meir was accompanied by fellow American astronaut Christina Koch, making Spacewalk 421 the... Read more